Leadership Coaching

Develop Strong Leadership Teams With Lushin

Leadership coaching is developing the beliefs, behaviors, and skills required to create self-sufficiency within an organization. As an organization scales and prepares for future growth, it’s imperative that leadership teams develop transferable skills that waterfall throughout their organizations.

In everyday business, leaders are faced with both people and process challenges that impact revenue. Leadership coaching provides the framework to execute the four leadership hats (i.e., coaching, training, mentoring, and supervising) at a consistently high level, to best help their teams strive for and accomplish more.

Lushin coaches specialize in helping organizations take action, rather than just sharing content that sounds good in theory.

Building an Efficient, Effective Leadership Team

An organization’s leadership team is the most critical factor in terms of what drives success. Strong leadership teams hire smarter, onboard more effectively, and coach and train their personnel at a higher level. 

If leadership teams are either ineffective or inefficient, it can lead to a lack of trust within the team, higher rates of turnover, decreased customer satisfaction, and ultimately, a major impact on the top and bottom line.

Leadership coaching gives leadership teams something to manage to. By creating systems and processes specific to how an organization goes to market, it creates a common language, common processes, and measurable systems and behaviors to achieve greater success for their teams.

Driving Behavioral Change With Content and Context

Lushin helps with leadership coaching in two key ways: content and context.

Some examples of content are building trust with your teams, managing conflict, delegation, staying on mission, running high-performance meetings, and motivating people at a higher level.

These conversations are built to first understand “the why” behind “the what.” Content provides clarity in terms of the what, specifically to drive organizational change and provide insight into common challenges being experienced in the organization. However, once this clarity is achieved, context must be provided to increase application. Theory with no action is just theory. Action is what ultimately drives behavioral change and results.

With Lushin leadership coaching, we walk our clients down a step-by-step path to achieving each key leadership principle. This requires moving out of the theory or psychology behind a conversation and actually executing a strategy or tactic that fits each unique business model.

Once foundational content is provided, context is where the biggest impact happens.
People & processes

Helping Leaders Take Meaningful, Holistic Action

Understanding the need to take a step back and delegate to others is one thing, but knowing specifically how to delegate—based on the size of the current organization, role within the company, industry, expertise, etc.—is the key to enhancing results.

Leadership coaching will make or break an organization. Oftentimes, the belief is “our sales team needs skills.” While this may indeed be true, when we look at the business holistically, the skillset challenge is often derived from leadership’s inability to transfer skills and effectively coach, train, mentor, and supervise their teams, and to help them strive to be the best versions of themselves.

Leadership Coaching FAQs

Will leadership coaching help all leaders in our company or just sales leadership?

Leadership skills are universal, regardless of the department, a leader oversees. From operations to finance to marketing to sales, every leader must be able to effectively coach, train, mentor, and supervise their teams to the fullest.

We’re looking to add skill sets to our sales team. Why does leadership need to be involved?

If leadership is not heavily involved and fully committed to the team’s coaching, there’s no way to reinforce the strategies and tactics. Without buy-in from the top, confusion starts to set in and the team starts to ask themselves why they should truly listen to the advice they’re receiving.

Our leadership team is very busy. How much time will this take?

No two companies or leaders are exactly alike, but when time commitments come into play, it’s all about setting priorities. When an initiative is deemed a top-three priority, time is typically no longer a roadblock. The goal is to invest the minimal amount of time needed to truly shift and enhance culture.

12 Business Growth Tactics to Take Your Sales to the Next Level

We’ve put together a collection of 12 business growth tactics you can implement this year that will help to get your business and team on track for accelerated growth and sales success.

Download the white paper

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For 25 years, Lushin has guided business leaders toward intentional, predictable growth.