Topics Covered
What’s Included
What areas are covered in training? Is anything off-limits?
As long as we are talking about growth, nothing is off-limits. Sales, sales process, sales management, sales leadership, mindset, prospecting, and client management are topics we cover in training.
I’m not a natural leader. Is leadership something that can be taught?
Yes, as humans we can transform. When you get an idea of something you want to be better at and who you want to be as a person, you are able to work towards that. The same goes for becoming a leader. It will take work, but it is possible and is something that can be taught like most things in life.
What size companies do you work with? Do you work with start-ups?
If you are a company in growth mode and are committed to growth, you are the right size.
Can you recommend a salesperson that we should hire?
We get this question from non-clients who want to hire away from our clients. So the simple answer is no, we do not offer assistance in stealing people from clients who are paying us to companies that are not!
However, if you would like to become a client, we can help you find, identify, screen, interview, and hire stellar salespeople who will perform in the top 10% of your sales team.
We hope this has helped answer some of those burning questions. We look forward to unraveling more of your questions.
We are:
- Looking for a sales manager
- Figuring out who we should train and who we should fire
- Evaluating CRMs
- Figuring out our sales process
Should we wait until that is done to begin working with you?
Why in the world would you wait to work with us while engaged in the most critical strategic decisions that your company will make?
Hired sales managers will fail 80% of the time when hired without outside expertise.
Most companies end up firing their best salespeople and keeping their worst when faced with the decision.
70% of salespeople hate the CRM they are using. Only 5% live in that CRM and use it productively.
Nearly all of the sales processes we evaluate are completely unused by the salespeople or when used, result in very low win rates.
In other words, just getting help on these decisions alone can prevent you from making your next mistake. For each one of these scenarios, the costs of a bad decision are likely worth multiple times what the cost of us answering the question for you would be.
Who are your ideal clients?
Our ideal clients are mid-market-sized companies. We typically work with CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business owners.
When is the best time to start working with Lushin?
The reality is there is no “best” time to begin working with Lushin, but the worst time is right after you have made one of the decisions mentioned in the answer above.
How do we know whether what you do will work in our industry?
The reason that this question is normally asked is that most companies hire salespeople from their industry because they believe that industry experience matters in salespeople. If it matters in salespeople, it must certainly matter with consultants and trainers.
Salespeople who go through our training learn to sell without industry knowledge and later, how to use technical knowledge in a productive way. They learn how to engage the human being, have a non-technical conversation about real problems and the effects of those problems, and find the path to getting the sale done vs just demonstrating technical competency. This might be hard to swallow for those that have relied on industry experience to get a sale, but our non-technical, but sales-trained people, will always outperform the technical expert.
So yes, if human beings are still involved in buying decisions in your industry, Lushin will be able to improve your sales results.
Why do I need Lushin?
If you are in growth mode and have ambitious hopes and dreams, you need Lushin. If you want to be better than average, you need Lushin. If you want an edge, you need Lushin. If you’re someone that hates to lose more than you love to win, you need Lushin.
How It Works
Does Lushin use or recommend any personal assessment tools?
Yes, but it depends upon what you’re assessing for, but we use Objective Management Group, Extended DISC, etc.
I’m really busy. What will this require of me and my team? What should I expect as a time commitment?
If you are asking this question, it is the wrong question. You should be asking, “Can I get a return on my time invested and can I get a return on my money invested?” If you’re asking about time commitment, then Lushin is not for you - self-improvement requires time. You didn’t get to where you are today overnight, you certainly won’t fix where you are overnight.
How do I know which sales trainer is right for me? How do you ensure compatibility between an individual and their trainer?
It all starts with conversations. The ultimate decision-maker on compatibility is you. The perfect trainer for you is the one who asks you questions to make you think like you’ve never thought before and we all want to be around people that make us think. You should always surround yourself with people that make you feel inadequate.
How do you do training? Is it all face-to-face? Do you offer virtual training? How do you train a remote workforce?
We have been working with remote sales forces for many years. Our combination of in-person training, a virtual classroom, online reinforcement, and ways to develop practical experience through practice, allow us to work across different time zones and geography.
With COVID, it took us less than 24 hours to adjust our training to meet our client needs, with no negative effect on our training plans. Since we have done virtual training for more than five years, we know how to keep your people engaged and productive in training sessions.
How hard is it for most people to implement the changes you recommend?
It’s harder for some and easier for others. However, if you are dedicated to this process, the easier it will become.
Costs and ROI
How much does training cost?
Training cost depends on what outcomes you’re going for (how long are we spending with you, how fast do you want to get there, how often are you seeing your trainer).
How can the success of training or the coaching process be measured? How do I know if it’s working? What kind of results can I expect?
The best way to measure success is going to be in the eyes of the beholder. There is the subjective and the objective component. Objectively, a person is not going to see the results in 6-9 months. But what you are going to feel in the first few months is the subjective component - an improvement in your confidence, better at handling rejection, less fears about dealing with someone that is intimidating, etc.
We heard you are “expensive and difficult” years ago. How do we know if we can afford you?
First, the cost of doing business with us has NEVER been a reason that someone did not engage us. We work will all sizes of businesses in various stages of their lives and we always figure out a way to make things financially work.
Second, really making sure that there is a clear path to a return on investment in our fees is part of the buying process at Lushin. We will not take a client where there is not a minimum of an 8:1 ratio for return on investment. Most of our clients see more than that return within the first year of working with us.
Why invest in Lushin sales training? Why buy Lushin when our company’s website is full of resources?
David Sandler once said, “You can’t teach a kid to ride a bike at a seminar.” What that means is we could hand sales managers and members of leadership a stack of stories, testimonials, directives, how-to’s, best practices, and whatever else would be considered valuable, and it still wouldn’t equate to success.
It’s not that simple. For people who are truly committed to changing and forging ahead in the name of business success and consultative selling, it takes more than a manual. It takes an effective, relentless, and genuine management consultant with the right experience.
I heard Lushin is an ESOP. Why should I care?
It’s true! Lushin Inc. transitioned to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan in 2023. This structure offers valuable benefits to our employees and clients. ESOPs experience less employee turnover, so clients can develop longer, ongoing relationships with our team.
Longer-tenured employees at ESOPs accumulate more company and industry-specific knowledge they can bring back to their work serving you. Plus, employee-owners have a greater stake in the success of our company, so their accountability to client success is greater.
How to Get Started
What do I need to do to begin working with Lushin? Do you do initial consultations?
We recommend first checking out our free downloadable whitepaper: How to Buy Lushin and after downloading and reading the content, we offer various ways of getting in contact with us. You may fill out a form on our website, email us or scan a QR code on our social media pages, whichever works best for you.
I’ve benefited from working with Lushin and have a colleague who is interested in sales training. What’s your preferred way for a client to make a referral?
The best way for a client to make a referral is to make an email introduction.