How Journaling Can Help You Succeed In Sales & Life


Getting Over your Fears in Sales

Fears often come from past experiences. They can obstruct our view – or, more importantly, our progress – toward future goals. In this post, sales trainer Paul Lushin suggests journaling about a belief from your past that is negatively impacting what you are currently working toward. By doing that, you will eventually adopt a positive new belief and have a clearer view of what is ahead of you.

Journal the story, journal over and over so that you know the outcome. You know that a negative experience you had turned out okay (like getting shocked by a plug). You didn’t stop using electricity, you kept moving forward.

Journaling can help you in sales. It will help you overcome your fears or things you keep pushing back on and allow you to push yourself toward your future sales goals.

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Paul Lushin

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For 25 years, Lushin has guided business leaders toward intentional, predictable growth.

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For 25 years, Lushin has guided business leaders toward intentional, predictable growth.