Goal Setting Strategies: Refuse to be Comfortable
Here’s the thing, it’s impossible to “get comfortable being uncomfortable.” That’s like saying “get sufficient being insufficient” or “get capable at being incapable” or, my personal favorite, “get happy being unhappy.” I understand the intent of the message, but a better message would be “never get comfortable.”
Being Comfortable Leads to a Lack of Growth
If you’re comfortable, that should be a red flag. Comfort = content = status quo. Status quo is a lack of growth. The way it presents itself is, “I haven’t achieved all that I want to, but at least I’m in a good place.” Right now, at this moment you are earning and achieving exactly what you are worth. It’s not the worth I have placed upon you, or that of society, it’s the worth you have placed upon yourself. Whatever situation you’re unwilling to address in an effort to remain comfortable, is a situation you have chosen. Because although you may not be able to control what happens to you, you can certainly choose what you intend to put up with. Every day, you make a choice.
Breaking Through the Status Quo
If you’re rationalizing your choices and making excuses for them, you’re comfortable. If you know you could achieve more and the words “at least” are included in your narrative about why you haven’t, you’re comfortable. If you’re convincing yourself it’s too hard, you’re comfortable. It’s not necessarily bad. If you’re willing to say to yourself, or your spouse, or your kids “I refuse to be uncomfortable and I am achieving all I am capable of,” then that’s ok. If the thought of saying that out loud makes you literally physically uncomfortable, and you’re operating within a status quo of your life, perhaps it’s time to tell yourself this instead: “I refuse to be comfortable.”
Take these strategies, evolve with them, grow with them and make yourself a valuable asset to your company and your clients. It's okay to be uncomfortable. That's the first step to more success. Connect with a Lushin Coach today and hear what more we have to say about this.