Increase Sales Growth: Go After the Big Fish

If your sales strategy is stuck in a small pond, learn how shifting your focus to larger opportunities and stepping out of your comfort zone can increase sales growth.

Similar to fishing, when it comes to sales, it is comforting to work with the clients we are familiar with. However, these operations usually produce fewer 'trophy-sized' catches. To net the bigger deals, we still need to equip ourselves with the necessary tools - a contract, a comprehension of the customer's pain, budget - but we must be prepared to wade into bigger waters. What is stopping us from chasing after those greater successes?

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Ever since I was a little kid, I have loved fishing. Being outdoors, being with friends and family, the anticipation of not knowing what may happen. Other than the mosquitoes, I love it all. If I'm going fishing, I'm probably going to a nearby pond where it's pretty easy to catch something. The problem is, there's not a whole lot of trophies in those ponds. It's fun and entertaining, but I'm not exactly breaking records, and it's not going to feed the family.

Selling is very much the same. We all have clients and smaller operations that we're comfortable with, and we keep going back to them because we know they'll bite. It may not be anything significant, but it's progress, and we can chip away at our sales goal. There are fewer barriers, and we can get them to buy something. The problem is, there's not a whole lot of trophies in that pond either. It's fun, it's entertaining, but you're not exactly breaking records, and it's not going to feed the family.

If you want to catch bigger fish, you still need the same tools: a rod, a reel, and bait. We just have to get comfortable in a bigger pond—and sometimes, that's the scary part.

In our small pond, we have a safe spot. It's not very risky, and we can predict the outcome, even if it's not what we want.

Landing bigger deals is very much the same. You still need your tools, upfront contracts, pain, budget, and decisions. We just have to make sure that we're out of our comfort zone and in a bigger pond. There may be more obstacles to getting in the door, but the process stays the same once you’re in.

The challenge is we have to believe that we belong and deserve to be in the bigger pond and know we're capable of catching bigger fish. So what's holding you back from going after the big fish?

Cody McWhorter

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For 25 years, Lushin has guided business leaders toward intentional, predictable growth.

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For 25 years, Lushin has guided business leaders toward intentional, predictable growth.