Lushin’s Sales Support Drive Success at Chimney & Masonry Outfitters

Chimney & Masonry Outfitters is a full-service, reliable outfitter for everything from fireplace design and installation to masonry restoration, repair, and even maintenance and chimney sweeps. Hear from Lushin coach Aaron Prickel and the CMO team as they discuss how prioritizing professional development transformed their sales training process.


"You don't go from closing 47% of your jobs to 85% of your jobs on your own. That has a lot to say about all the folks at Lushin being really good at what they do."

David Dickenson, Sales Outfitter, Chimney and Masonry Outfitters

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Lushin really helps us focus on each other. And if we can have a great team, that team then also feels more equipped to go out there and to serve our customers.

So I'm Kourtney, Owner of Chimney and Masonry Outfitters. And for the last three to four years, our sales team has worked with Aaron. It's been a real game changer for us. With where we were originally at, as a sales team, as a company, we were just kind of shooting from the hip. Once you begin to grow, you need to be able to streamline a little bit what you're doing.

But my assumption was if I hired a sales company to train my team, they're going to just make us real slick. And I don't want to be slick. Aaron wasn't this slick guy who I felt like I couldn't trust. I felt like I could trust him early on.

When initially engaging with CMO, it was a classic case of starting to grow, so they needed to scale. They quickly realized it was more than just sales training. It was really professional development, all the way from inside call scheduler to inside sales to outside sales to project managers. And one of the things that CMO really did was capitalize on the fact that it's really about professional development for anybody who's forward facing with a client, not just the sales team.

Our team is about 30 people. It's given us a common language. And we kind of know, like, you start here, and you end here.

I am a salesman with Chimney and Masonry Outfitters. I have been for six years. It was a game changer whenever we started working with Aaron.

Knowing and understanding how people think and why they think the way they do and why they say the things they say and understanding them from that perspective, and then just how to go about that conversation. It's not changed what I do, it's changed how I do it and how effective we are at it.

Working with Aaron is always exciting.

He always brings a huge level of energy to every room he comes into. He's my sales trainer, he's my sales coach, mentor, whatever you want to call it. You don't go from closing 47% of your jobs to 85% of your jobs on your own. That doesn't happen. For me, going from 47, now, two years, three years later, I'm at 85%, that has a lot to say about Aaron and Brian and Shad and Paul and all the folks at Lushin just being really good at what they do and really caring about how you do what you do.

This feels like leadership training. It feels like personal growth. And that's the thing that I love about it. And so even when I tell friends, oh, yeah, we do sales training. I'm like, it's really so much more than that.

The value of investing in our people is that it lets them know that they're cared for and that we want to see them be successful. If they know that we also want to provide something to them, that really encourages them that they feel valued and appreciated.

From a leadership perspective, Kourtney was a natural leader before we were even blessed to help. He wouldn't be in the position he's in today if it wasn't the case. But what it was was really more of a how can he now create another set of leaders within the organization, because as the company is continuing to grow, there's a bandwidth issue. You can't be having 35 minute conversations with everybody. And that takes him being an effective leader, which is also now grooming his company for the next generation of leaders within it.

For me to have the kind of support that Aaron gives us, it lets me know that I don't have to be the guru in every area, because frankly I'm not. I didn't start a business because I'm the best salesman or even the best sales manager. I have a peace of mind that Aaron comes in, invests in the team in a way that I couldn't. It doesn't rest on my shoulders.

Aaron has willingly said, I will take that burden. And he does.

Aaron Prickel

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