Sharpen the Axe - A Myth Or Reality?
There is a famous Abraham Lincoln quote, “Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I would spend the first 4 hours sharpening my axe.” What is the underlying message?
With a dull axe, could you chop down a tree? YES! The problem is, it can be exhausting and quite messy. Driving revenue for your organization is no different. Do you feel like your people are exhausted and tirelessly working their tails off to drive revenue? Finding themselves needing to discount, sales cycles taking too long, stuck in constant follow-up, finding themselves needing to justify/defend or explain why a prospect should do business with them? That’s messy selling. How much of this is due to having a dull blade?
One Culture Statement within Lushin is “People come to us to sharpen their swords, so we need to always be sharpening ours.” Words mean something to us, this isn’t fluff to help ourselves feel better, this is reality. Coaching and Development isn’t for people who are broken, we all have coaches and mentors, we all find ourselves with jammed schedules, yet make development a priority instead of “being too busy.” We are human like everyone else and know there are plenty of people we can learn from. We don’t want to fall into the trap of having one year of experience 24 years in a row, we truly want to have 24 years of experience since this is what our clients rely on.
Many businesses provide regular maintenance on their vehicle fleets, upgrade technology on a regular basis, constantly tweak and enhance systems and processes, but when is the last time your organization took the same steps in regards to the Sales Engine that drives the revenue for your company?
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