How to Handle Sales Objections Effectively
Have You Heard These Common Sales Objections?
"We are happy with our current vendor."
"We are happy with what we are doing right now."
"We are happy, thank you for your interest in us."
"We are happy, but you can send me some information in case anything changes."
“We are happy” is the magical sales objection. If I was teaching people how to object to sales people—how to really make them give up and go away—this is the objection I would use.
Why Are These Sales Objections So Effective?
To see why they are so effective, just look at what the sales training world is teaching now:
"No pain, no sale."
"Go get the pain."
"You have to discover their pain before you can give them your solutions."
So, how do you handle "We are happy..." sales objections?
They don't have problems. They have nothing to discover. There is no pain.
Are you "just looking" when you say, "I'm just looking" to the retail store greeter? When you ask your spouse how their day was, and they reply "fine," do you just take them at their word? Of course not.
So instead of taking "we are happy" at face value, let's talk about "happy." Are you happy with all of your current vendors? Are you happy with everything that you are doing right now? Even if you say "Haha, Brian, I really am happy with how things are right now, you didn't catch me in that trap," my question is this if you compared your current happiness to how you would feel if you found $10 million in $100 bills in the floor of your home today, wouldn’t that make you happier?
the first problem is taking this Sales objection in its literal form.
You do it because you’ve probed in the past to see if they really were happy, and they convinced you through stories and explanations that they actually were. Over time, you gave up probing because more and more people gave reasons justifying happiness. You were conditioned by the marketplace to believe that "happy" actually meant happy.
But, it’s easy for us to justify our current state. If I asked you about your income and why you’re making what you‘re currently making, you would give me reasons for that. If I asked how your marriage was doing, you could easily tell me it was going well, and then give me reasons—even if it wasn't as good as it could be—for why it was going well.
You. Have. Been. Duped.
The second problem is that your prospects don't know any better.
There is a saying, "A fish does not know it needs to be in water to breathe, until it finds itself outside of water." In that same line of thinking, a prospect might actually think they are happy, because they are working with someone good compared to everyone else.
To illustrate the point, imagine that you’re making $100K per year, but everyone else in your company is making $80K. If asked if you were happy about your pay within the company, you would likely say "yes." Now imagine discovering that everyone else outside of your company, doing the same job in your industry, made $250K. Would you still be happy?
Your prospect doesn't know that the "great" service they’re getting is 10x worse than what they would expect from you. They’re happy because the problems that they have with their vendor are quickly fixed by that vendor, but they don't know that you don't have any of those problems.
Either you aren't gutsy enough to confront them on it, or you don't believe you’re any better than your competition.
Don't Let These Sales Objections Stand In Your Way!
Stop taking people at their word. Stop getting blown off by people who don’t know any better. Realize what is really happening in these types of situations, and learn how to get around these silly little prospect games.
Curious about how to do so? Check out the video below for tips on how to effectively overcome sales objections.
Interested in more sales training wisdom from Brian? Check out his content on the Lushin Sales Training blog here for more tips and recommendations for overcoming sales objections and selling successfully.
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