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READ: The 5 Love Languages

Written by Whitney Cummins | Tue, Apr 10, 2018

This is part of our series on books that have positively impacted our lives and careers. Check out all of the books we review by following us on social media or see our previous reviews summarized here.

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

This is not what most would consider a “business” book. It was written to help couples maintain a healthy relationship by communicating with their partner in the way that means the most to them. But, if you look at these concepts as a way to improve all relationships and get mutually beneficial results, it is a great tool. There are five love languages - gifts, acts of service, physical touch, quality time, and words of affirmation. This book gives a great perspective on how others feel the most appreciated. Whether it is a client, prospect, or coworker, the information in this book can help you build great relationships by showing people in their language that you value them. Not everyone feels appreciated the same way, and you can build stronger relationships personally and professionally once you understand this.