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Do Your People Believe in What They Are Selling?

Written by Brian Kavicky | Mon, Nov 24, 2014

Do you ever wonder why your people aren't motivated? Why your people take blow-offs and put-offs from people? Why your people give up on tougher deals, bigger clients, or customers that need you but don’t ‘get it’ yet?

Maybe you have hired motivational speakers to pump up your team. Maybe you have invested in sales training to give them more skills. You might have even brought in a manager who really knows their stuff to help your team. But nothing has worked. They just don’t have the fight that you have when selling.

Let me ask you this: Is it possible that they just don’t believe in what they are selling?

If they did, wouldn’t they naturally:

  • Keep trying when a prospect says, “Not interested”?
  • Find another path when a person or obstacle appears?
  • Disagree with the prospect and push back professionally?
  • Be confident when the prospect is doubtful?
  • Sell as an equal to the prospect, rather than beg them for a sale?
  • Target bigger clients?
  • Target the right clients for the business, not bad or weak clients?

To sell effectively, there must be an internal drive that allows the salesperson to get through tough resistance. They must sell with a state of conviction.

If your people had the cure for cancer, and Eli Lilly said, “Not interested,” would they quit pursuing them? Or would they pick up the phone, walk in the front door, and exclaim:

“You don’t understand, I have the cure for cancer. You need to take this meeting.”

Why don’t your people feel like they have the cure for cancer? Don’t you? Isn’t that why you are leading the charge?